Research Proposal Topics on Economics. Guidelines and Examples

Understanding of the Research Proposal
A Research Proposal is a type of academic paper, where students have to prove the necessity of studying a certain research point, problem, or question. In other words, with the help of writing techniques, you have to give a strong justification, why this or that research topic should be studied.
Sometimes research proposals are written by a scientist in order to receive grants or funding for the in-depth study of some phenomena. Meanwhile, students also often get the task to write such scientific papers. It can be for the following reasons:
- to develop thinking and analytical skills;
- to master research techniques;
- to learn to work with many sources and single out main ideas;
- to awake your interest in investigative work;
- to increase your chances of being accepted for further education.
Economics Research Proposals
To write an Economics research proposal, you need to understand the main economic phenomena and processes in the world. You need to be aware of economic trends and their causes, work with statistics and news, study past events that influenced the present state of things, and compare a lot of viewpoints.
But don’t be afraid of the beginning! An interesting economics research proposal topic may motivate you to dig further and find fast facts and clever ideas for the paper. Here students may have 3-ways scenario:
- you are already assigned with a specific topic by your professor or mentor;
- you have to select from a definite list of research proposal topics provided to you;
- you have to choose a topic on your own – and here the main difficulty arises.
How to choose a research proposal topic, which will be both interesting and fresh for investigation? Today we will try to help you with some useful ideas and instructions to facilitate this task.
40 Broad Economics Research Proposal Topics
General economic issues
- “Golden rush” as a factor of economic development in different countries.
- Comparison of the credit system and interest rates in different countries.
- Influence of international trade on internal commodity markets.
- Free enterprise zones and their role in overcoming the problem of lagging regions.
- How does the development of middle business affect national economics?
- Integration of new countries into the system of trade-economic relations.
- Competition as a modern market model.
- Current problems of consumer right protection.
- Interconnection between economics and law: world history experience.
- Interrelation of economic and cultural processes.
- Trade wars: the past and the present.
- Impact of monopolies on the market.
- Motivation mechanisms of success in the market economy.
- The role of venture capital in economy.
- Main economic trends in 2020.
- Problems of risk assessment during innovations.
- Standards of behavior of small and large businesses in market and transition economy.
- Integration mechanisms of small businesses into a modern economy.
- Maintenance of fair competition in the financial markets.
- Pricing policy of large and small businesses: comparative analysis.
- Behavior analysis mechanisms of customers in a market economy.
Most diverse topics for Economics Research
- Gender issues in the modern economy.
- Company operation in the context of monopoly.
- Detection and development of manager professional behavior.
- Main reasons for export.
- Influence of company reputation on successful economic operations.
- Role of climate in economic success or failure of countries.
- Interrelation between new professions of 21st century and modern economic approaches.
- Economics state in military conditions.
- Attitude to immigration in different countries: Economic reasons.
- Most profitable economic spheres in 21st century.
- Franchise as a tool for economic growth.
- Popular economic spheres among startups.
- Companies registered abroad.
- What countries occupy leading positions in IT industries?
- What types of economic industries benefit from war?
- Which economic areas attract investors?
- Dependence of business success on the company logo and corporate design.
- Internet trade: The most popular industries among customers.
- World-famous young entrepreneurs.
- Companies that are more successful abroad than in the home market.
40 Field-specific Economics Research Proposal Topics
Economics in different countries
- Chinese companies are conquering the market.
- Brexit consequences for the European Union economy.
- Reasons for immigration to Canada.
- The economic stability of Scandinavian countries;
- Reasons for inflation in the USA.
- Indian companies in Europe.
- Gas issues of the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
- Cooperation with African countries.
- Export to developed and developing countries.
- Is there a connection between the economic success of big and small-size countries?
- Countries with low labor cost and investments.
- Companies around the world with headquarters in the the USA.
- Most influential international trade organizations in Europe.
- American economic doldrums and its effect on global economy.
Famous brands in the global economy
- Amazon Internet business. Reasons for economic success.
- How does Victoria’s secret company benefit from a sales funnel?
- Well-doing of Apple. Is it predetermined by the high functionality of products or brand image?
- H&M lead magnet and its interconnection with profit.
- The success of non-arts programs.
- Role of celebrities in marketing campaigns of world-leading companies.
- Economic reasons for Toyota company for delivering different car models to America and Europe.
- Economic grounds for Google to buy Youtube;
- How does Xiaomi compete with leading brands on the international market?
- Marketing campaign of Splat toothpaste company.
Social media and digital technologies for economic growth
- The role of Instagram in the economic growth of different industries.
- Social networks as a tool for attracting customers worldwide.
- Social media: distraction or effective tools?
- Basecamp and other tools for work optimization of employees.
- Most popular social networks for specific economic industries.
- The impact of LinkedIn on International economic relations.
- The most frequently used technologies for fast communication.
- Role of mobile phones in doing business worldwide.
- How do the restrictions of gadgets in the workplace affect economic productivity?
- The economic picture in countries with limited Internet access.
- Webinars as a modern tool for business development.
Economics and Religion in modern society
- Modern economic trends in Islamic countries.
- Economic relationships between countries with different religions.
- Women in economic sphere of different religions.
- Changes of economics strategy in Arab Emirates over last 50 years.
- Comparison of economic behavior of different confessions.
Guidelines: How to Write a Research Proposal
Economics requires expertise and broad knowledge to write about. Although students study this subject during the classes, it may not be enough to grasp the meaning of main economic issues, processes, causes, and consequences in the world.
The economic sphere is so large that it’s impossible to cover the whole ground. So, students often feel desperate when it comes to conduct and describe economic study research or provide analysis. The following pieces of advice are aimed to facilitate the process of finding proper economics research proposal topics and proceed to actual work:
- Look at the topics, which you are capable of writing about – if you are not well aware of the subject matter, you will waste precious time studying it almost from scratch.
- Once you feel like you have selected a suitable topic, check the materials and literature available to conduct the research. If there’s not much information, you might find yourself at a dead end.
- Do the brainstorming and idea reduction to outline the main plan items. Decide what aspects of the topic you selected you to want to describe.
- Get a jump on the work as soon as you have the roadmap of your research. Don’t wait until inspiration comes. Remember? – Eating and scratching want but a beginning.
Format of Research Proposal papers
Below there are sections, which must be present in your Economic Research Proposal:
- Introduction, where you specify a core research problem and reasons why this research is important.
- Background and significance – this section can be a part of the introduction or a separate plan item. Here you provide purposes of your research in more detail.
- Literature review – by showing other sources where the problem of your research is studied, you increase the importance of your work.
- Methodology – here, you write about the methods and approaches used for your study.
- Initial assumptions and implications, where you describe how your research might influence the existing knowledge about the matter.
- Conclusion – is aimed to sum up the points of your study and once again highlight its importance.
- Citations, where you indicate the resources used.
Nowadays, most aspects of our lives are connected to economics. That is why it is so important to never stop investigating this field for the sake of human wellbeing. Maybe it is your research proposal that will make a contribution to the further development of economic science.
Need Help with Writing a Research Proposal?
Writing a Research Proposal on Economics is a good deal of work. Writing it at high-quality standards requires not only time but also an expertise in the field and a strong desire to succeed.
Students are most often occupied with numerous tasks, which must be delivered when scheduled. Don’t stress out because of time pressure or writer’s block – just let us help you with your Economics Research Proposal.
Reasons to choose us for your Research Proposal paper:
- We always meet the deadlines;
- We have writers qualified in each field of knowledge;
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