Persuasive Essay Outline – A Comprehensible Guide To Lead You To Success

A persuasive essay is a paper in which you need to convince the reader of the veracity of statements on a particular topic. In the text, you need to give examples, proofs, arguments so that the reader will believe you. Based on truthful facts, the reader takes your position seriously.
Sometimes students use emotional sentences to pressure the reader. However, this is a gross mistake. Showing your emotions will not get close to the goal and distract the reader from your article. Only examples from reputable sources will make your essay correct. Where to insert these examples, how to use them, how to break paragraphs? A persuasive essay outline will help you with this, and you must learn how to create it.
Persuasive Essay Outline – What Is This?
The persuasive essay outline is a list of the main semantic blocks of text. Drawing up a plan is of great importance when preparing a text. Points of the plan are landmarks that help the author move in the right direction – towards the task set in front of the text.
A text written without a plan resembles a stream of consciousness. It is impossible to grasp its central idea, and it is challenging to follow the development of thought. Such a text has the right to live in fiction, but in the scientific field, it is unacceptable.
There are different types of outline:
- Interrogative outline. It is built in the form of a list of questions that the author must answer in its preparation. Optimal for writing instructions, master classes, educational articles, persuasive essays.
- The thesis outline. The thesis is a briefly formulated content of one or two paragraphs of the text. It allows you to fix the text’s structure and the main ideas and thoughts that you will disclose in each part of the article. This versatile outline, and you can use it to prepare any text.
- Reference circuit. Such a plan contains keywords and parts of sentences for which it is easy to recover the full text. In such a plan, you can include the central facts and figures presented in the material.
Persuasive Essay Outline Template
The outline for a persuasive essay consists of five paragraphs. Other types of essays also meet this outline. You can stick to this template when writing persuasive essays:
- Introduction.
- Body – part 1.
- Body – part 2.
- Body – part 3.
- Conclusion.
Sometimes, the essay’s topic can be too voluminous, and, accordingly, you can increase the number of the central paragraphs. Before you start writing an essay, think about the main goal – to convince the reader. Find out whether you have collected enough arguments, do you have good sources for citations, is your topic broad, can you discuss it?
We strongly recommend not to choose too narrow a topic. Selecting a known topic and has been discussed for a long time, you will not introduce something new and find modern evidence.
An essential requirement to successfully draw up a plan is an exciting topic, so do not ignore this advice because the structure depends on your idea. Take your time, carefully study the relevant issues to society, and start drawing up a plan. It is essential that you clearly understand what you want to see in the essay and whether you can convey it to the reader.
How to Write the Perfect Persuasive Essay Outline?
It’s pretty easy to write a plan if you clearly understand what it consists of. We advise you to follow a few simple steps in writing an outline. You can discuss all of the parts below in an essay, and you can create a good paper.
Any plan must begin with an introduction. This part aims to interest the reader and convince them that this topic is interesting, relevant, and worth attention. It would help if you wrote a catchy phrase that will make the reader read your text until the end.
Study Your Target Audience
When writing an essay, you must clearly understand what the target audience needs. You won’t create perfect text if you don’t know who your readers are. After examining your target audience, its problems, and wishes, your articles will not leave people indifferent.
Agree, the article for adults and children is significantly different from each other. Therefore, if you write an essay for the teacher, he will study your text more strictly. If you are writing for a common reader, then the material’s presentation should be more straightforward. Your topic should also depend on the preference of the reader.
Knowing what is attractive to the reader, you can quickly cope with the task because you will have a list of relevant issues that you can consider in the article. After studying your article, readers will be able to glean the necessary information and conclude that you exactly understand the problems of the modern world. However, do not tire the reader with unnecessary details – write on the case.
Come up With a Hook
Have you ever wondered what makes some articles attractive? Why do you read some papers to the last line while others stop reading halfway? The keyword in answering these questions is “hook.” A strong phrase can hook the reader and encourage them to read longer than the first paragraph.
There are four types of hooks:
- Hook-question. If the article provides answers to a question, the hook should ask that question.
- Hook hint. If the article presents curious facts, the hook should hint at them.
- Hook-indication. If the article contains useful new information, the hook should point out what the article can do for the reader.
- Hook-union. If your article is figuring out how to connect the elements to get a good result, the hook should contain both components.
As you can see, the choice depends on the content of the article, while all the hooks contain a short, intriguing announcement. This is necessary in order not only to interest the reader but also to orient him in what exactly you will discuss in the essay.
Once you come up with a hook, make sure it beckons the reader to read the article. Ask questions: Does your hook promise any benefits to the reader? Is the hook full of helpful information? Does the hook unite the topic and the main idea? If your hook doesn’t do any of this, rewrite it.
Create a Thesis Statement
Most often, the author should place the thesis statement at the end of the introduction. This essay’s element can have 1 or 2 sentences. In the thesis statement, you write the article’s main idea and explain to the reader why you wrote the essay.
The thesis statement will create the structure of the essay and set the tone for it. In the main paragraphs, you should argue your statements and convince the reader of the statements’ truthfulness.
For example, a good thesis statement might look like this:
“With the advent of robots, technology, smart gadgets, people became lazy and put all their work on them.”
Then you can develop this idea and give examples of how robots affect our lives. Or describe how the life of people has changed with the advent of new technologies.
Body Paragraphs
In the central part, you need to discuss the topic in more detail and use evidence, arguments to support your statements. You decide how many paragraphs the center section can contain. If the topic is extensive, then there should be a lot of paragraphs. If the topic is narrower, then there should be at least three paragraphs. In each section, you need to write arguments, lead examples – do everything to make your text informative and valuable.
It is the arguments and evidence in the central part that will help support your position. Only good arguments can influence the audience. That is, convincing evidence will allow readers to agree with your statements, and, on the contrary, weak evidence will induce readers to oppose your ideas.
There are several ways to justify your statements:
- Provide truthful facts. The easiest way to convince the reader of the truth of the statements is to bring up reliable facts, and the reader will be able to check them if necessary.
- Provide statistics. You can also write statistics from reputable magazines or well-known companies.
- Give those quotes. Find the sayings of influential people and write them in your essay. If you can refer to a famous writer’s statements, people will take your text more seriously. The quote will show the reader that you have studied the topic well and prepared yourself for arguing the thesis.
- Find examples. Surely there have been many situations in your life. Dig in your memory and find examples that could successfully complement the topic and act as evidence. Also, examples from real life make it possible for the reader to understand that you have felt the topic and have experience with this problem.
Write Topic Sentence
Note that each main paragraph must begin with a topic sentence. So you once again remind the reader what your essay is about if he thought about something else. Each paragraph should carry new information and contain a mini idea. The reader will skip paragraphs without meaning right away. If you want to add volume, then this is not a good way. Also, don’t write multiple ideas in one paragraph. You can confuse the reader and disrupt the structure of the essay.
The central part template might look like this:
- Paragraph 1. The topic sentence + evidence from authoritative sources.
- Paragraph 2. The topic sentence + statistics, examples from life.
- Paragraph 3. The topic sentence + quotes from famous writers.
If you need more paragraphs, then write, but do not fill them with irrelevant and boring information.
Try to discuss all the issues of concern in the main paragraphs. In conclusion, there is no place for this. The conclusion is intended to make it clear to the reader what you have come to, whether you managed to prove the statement. You can once again briefly go over the arguments but not repeat the same phrases.
Also, you can reformulate your thesis written in the introduction. Keep the same thought and do not introduce new information. The reader may have a question. The conclusion should become a point and save the reader from worrying problems. Here you have to prove that your judgment has a place. In the end, you can encourage the reader to reflect on the statements.
Persuasive Essay Outline Example
To fully understand the essence of creating a plan, we have prepared an example for you. Our topic is “What is friendship?” We created an outline like this:
- Introduction: Why is the topic of friendship essential, and what is real friendship.
- Body, Part 1: An example of friendship from “Harry Potter.”
- Body, Part 2: An example of friendship from “Hachiko.”
- Body, Part 3: What does friendship in social networks mean to me?
- Conclusion: Devotion and loyalty are the essential criteria of friendship.
We ended up with a persuasive essay like this:
“What is friendship? It’s hard for me to answer this question. Each person puts his understanding in the word “friendship.” However, for me, friendship is loyalty. I believe that a real friend cannot offend, betraying, and is always ready to help. Whatever the situation, a friend must support because this is the main criterion for true friendship.
In Rowling’s fantasy novel Harry Potter, the idea that friendship is about support and loyalty is permeated. The characters supported each other throughout the tests. The author wanted to show that the most important thing is that only thanks to loyalty and support, friends managed to form a force that can resist evil.
I have noticed this idea many times in films. Hallström’s Hachiko is a good example. The main characters have formed a strong friendship. Yes, the friendship between a dog and a person. The professor adopted a little puppy into his family, who became attached to him and met him every day from work. Even when the owner died, the dog did not stop coming to the meeting place.
Can it be called friendship, those people who have subscribers on social networks? If you communicate with these people for a long time and communication is enjoyable, perhaps this is friendship. By the way, thanks to communication on social networks, I made a real friend. I was lucky to see him live, and this only strengthened our friendship.
Devotion and loyalty, I consider one of the conditions for a strong friendship. Having common values, friends will find a common language, ways to solve problems, and topics of conversation. Also, in difficult times, you will never be alone.”
The Final Insight
Creating a persuasive essay outline is very important to make the final draft of the paper. It will help you to write the essay step-by-step, including each key element of this type of paper. However, if you can’t cope with it, have no time or desire, you may always ask for help. Contact our managers or simply place an order to get the whole persuasive essay.