Working on Architecture Papers in College – Our Helpful Tips for You

If you are a student taking a course on architecture to build your career in this field, you write many architecture papers. Such research works are excellent means to help you to absorb all the materials. Also, it educates you on other subjects as well. That’s why these research papers are so popular.
To write an excellent paper, you need to have and prove your knowledge of architecture. But it is not enough. You need to possess research and analytical skills.
Architecture relates to Arts, math, history, and even philosophy. Detecting and analyzing such connections is essential for your success. An architecture paper has the same structural elements and demands as other college papers. But there are peculiarities.
In this article, you will find recommendations on selecting the right topic for such works, as well as useful tips on writing the essay itself. If you are searching for assistance with doing an architecture paper – you’ve come to the right place!
The Choice of Topic for the Research Paper in Architecture
You should consider the topic selection seriously. In some cases, your college professor assigns topics for research, and you can only fulfill the requirements. However, in many other cases, you have the freedom of choice.
The choice is essential. The right architecture topic can help you to establish yourself as an expert and boost your reputation. But how to choose the most suitable and beneficial topic variant for the paper? Let’s check the crucial features:
- The topic must match the requirements. Check them carefully before you start the other preparations. It can be that your professor gives you the general direction, and you will choose the particular aspects yourself. However, your work must follow that primary direction.
- It should be a topic interesting to you. No matter if your research concerns the area you are well familiar with, or it will be a new subject, your motivation is critical. It is always easier to dedicate time and effort to the theme appealing to you genuinely.
- The topic must be narrow and particular. If you, for instance, need to research the church architecture of the 15th century – don’t try to cover all styles in all regions. You can choose one style, or one region, or the legacy of one outstanding architect.
- The “do-ability” factor is vital. You need to be able to perform the assignment, so check if there are sources for you to refer to. The paper must present the results of your own researches. At the same time, you need authentic materials to support your statements.
- Your topic must have relevance. The research you run should be valuable – you need to either find new information or to add more evidence to support an established opinion. There is no use in repeating the collective knowledge, the goal is to present original ideas.
30 Suggestions for Your Research in Architecture
The field of architecture is vast – it is a complex discipline with many directions. So, we’ve collected some topics for architecture papers that might interest you. You can use them as inspiration and develop your own questions, or take these suggestions directly.
Historic architecture
- Characteristic elements of the baroque style in Western and South Europe.
- The architecture of the ancient Indian temples.
- The Medieval philosophy representation in the church architecture.
- The influence of the Arabian architecture in the Granada historical buildings.
- Modernism in architecture.
- The differences between the Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman architecture styles.
- The architectural legacy of Antoni Gaudí.
- The influence of Islamic architecture in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
- The Ancient Egypt architecture.
- The Gothic and neo-Gothic architecture styles.
Modern architectural design
- Leading trends of the modern urban design in the USA.
- The impact of historic architecture styles on modern design in Europe.
- The most outstanding architects of the 21st century.
- The aesthetic distinction features of the modern minimalistic style in architecture.
- The main challenges of urban planning in Japan.
- The construction process of modern business centers.
- Designing school accommodations.
- Safety requirements for the modern sports complex.
- Using the AI capabilities for planning the urban traffic systems.
- An overview of the building materials of the 21st century.
Specific issues of architecture
- The influence of the climate on the choice of building materials.
- Eco-friendly design approaches.
- Methods of the cultural legacy in architecture conservation.
- The “green design” in European and U.S. architecture.
- Specific features of the office design.
- Methods to compensate for extreme weather conditions in architecture.
- Usage of domes in modern architecture.
- The university campus design.
- The most effective architectural approaches for planning revitalization areas.
- Methods of ancient building rehabilitation.
Useful Tips on Writing Architecture Papers
College research papers have strict requirements for the format. When you research a question on architecture, you have to fulfill those demands as well.
Create and present the thesis statement
First of all, develop a thesis statement. It is the most essential element of your paper. All sections of the document will relate to that statement. In brief, you must present the main question that you want to answer by doing the research.
- Formulate the thesis statement in one or two sentences.
- Put it into the Introduction part. It should be after the hook, the topic presentation, and the explanation of the research reason.
- Add a small transition phrase right after the thesis statement to proceed to the Body part.
Outline the paper to plan the Body part
The outline is an excellent method of writing architecture papers. It lets you build the article from the meaningful blocks as you would do with the building itself. The main advantage of the outlining technique is that you can “view” the future paper before you write it.
- Make a rough plan of your work: the Introduction, the Body, and the Conclusions.
- Break each part into smaller meaningful elements.
- Make a list of your ideas for the Body for your architecture paper. As a rule, you dedicate one paragraph to one idea.
- Note the evidence and references for each of those ideas.
- “Frame” the sketch of the paragraph: it has to be a complete section with its mini-introduction and conclusions.
- Add the transitions to connect all elements together.
- Check the logical connections: each next section must come naturally from the previous one.
- Check if all the elements relate to the thesis statement directly.
Compose the Conclusions
This part is crucial, as it must justify the whole research you did.
The Conclusions must be the restatement of your thesis, so check again how your results support your claims.
Summarize the ideas from the Body part and formulate them all in a couple of sentences.
Stress the importance of the work again and relate it to some academic or practical issues where it is applicable.
Work on the writing style of your paper
The architecture papers are academic papers, and you need to write them in a perfect academic style. Speaking of architecture, pay attention to the following features:
- Avoid general terms and be specific. Use synonyms with more precise meaning that can describe your ideas concisely.
- Avoid over-complicated words – they don’t add value to your text, but they make it more challenging to read.
- Describe how you understand the characteristics features of architecture objects. Analyze looks and purpose of elements for aesthetics and practical value. Don’t claim the forms to be “important” or “remarkable.”
- Use specific examples – it demonstrates your in-depth knowledge of the topic.
- Double-check meanings of all specific terms – make sure that you understand them precisely.
- Use active voice and verbs. Avoid passive voice unless it is crucial in your phrase.
- Check the dates – make sure to use them in the right format.
- Check the names and make sure that you write and pronounce them correctly. It is critical for foreign names – there you should find the conventional spelling and pronunciation and use it in your paper.
- Check all citations and make sure to include them in your bibliography. The absence of the reference is equal to plagiarism that will ruin all your efforts immediately.
- Use some reliable online plagiarism checker to ensure that your work is original.
- Format the paper in the required style. For the architecture papers, you will most likely use the APA style. If your professor wants you to use a different format, refer to the right guidelines.
Note that you should revise the paper a couple of times. The immediate re-reading is necessary, but you can be tired and miss some errors. That’s why let yourself have some rest for at least a couple of hours. It will be better to return to the text the next morning. Reread it, and you will most likely detect more issues to correct.
Writing architecture papers is an evitable job if you study this subject. It really helps you to get more knowledge and also train your skills on many levels. However, with the right topic, motivation, and enough time you can undoubtedly do this assignment excellently.
Still, if you are in a position where you need additional assistance, our group will be more than glad to support you. We are the professional writing service to complete your paper on-time and with the guarantee of excellent grade. Let us know that you need our help, and we’re right here!