Speech Writing: Some Secrets to Master this Challenge

Student life is a very fun and exciting period. This is more than just an academic education because students receive not only applied knowledge but also soft skills. It helps a lot in developing a career, finding contacts with interesting people. One of the popular tasks is writing a speech.
In fact, the structure of speech in most cases is the same. You choose a topic, define your target audience, the purpose of the speech. It doesn’t matter if you read this text at a wedding, at a business conference, or simply at a university audience. In any of these cases, you need to take care of an intriguing introduction, a meaningful body of the speech, and a convincing conclusion. It has even something similar to an essay.
The difference is that your speech just has to be good. This is because you get feedback in reverse time mode. You see how much the audience is interested in your text. People can listen to you or communicate with each other very enthusiastically. Some leave the room altogether.
History knows several examples when good speech changed people’s lives. Of course, you shouldn’t write just that. But if you want your speech to be interesting and memorable, follow our recommendations.
4 Things You Should Know Before You Write a Speech
If you have been assigned to prepare a speech, make sure that you have enough time. You can complete this task in a day, but then it will not be as high-quality as possible. Here are 4 things to consider when preparing:
- Decide on your goal. What do you want to get with your speech? Perhaps you want to inspire other people, convince them of your point of view, teach something? Your goals determine the structure and tone of the final speech.
- Decide on your audience. You should know that different people need different ideas. In addition, you can change your language depending on this. For example, if students listen to you, they will appreciate informal communication, modern jokes. Another generation requires a different approach. If you speak to professionals, you will need to use their vocabulary, etc.
- Decide on the length. Of course, you want to prepare just the perfect speech. But even if it is very interesting, people are not ready to listen to you for a long time. Establish a regulation and control it. You can read your text aloud several times by turning on the timer before this.
- Decide on the finished version. Do not rush to immediately send your speech to the professor. Write some drafts, read them. You can also give a text to a friend or mom to express their opinion. The first versions are rarely successful, so we advise you to have some time in reserve.
5 Steps to Write an Awesome Speech
If you have already decided on your target audience and know what you want to tell these people about, but still experience stress, Mcessay writers have prepared a simple step-by-step instruction for you.
Step 1. Make a clear structure. Then you will understand what sections you have and why they are.
Step 2. Write out all the ideas you have. Do not think that they should be perfect. Just relax and unleash your creativity.
Step 3. Edit your ideas, leave only those that you really like and evoke an emotional response.
Step 4. Practice. If you plan to read your speech in front of an audience, you need to not only write the text but rehearse your speech. Then you will understand which sentences sound good and which ones need to be rewritten. Also, you will understand how long or short your speech is.
Step 5. Rewrite and improve the text until you understand that it meets all your goals.
Secrets of a Universal Structure
Any speech should be well structured. You can’t just write it offhand. At the very beginning of the writing, you must understand what you will come to at the beginning. Here is a universal structure that will help you organize your paper.
You must understand that your listeners do not know who you are and what idea you are trying to convey.
Therefore, your introduction should be dedicated to just that. Focus on the context. That is, if this is a speech for the wedding, you can explain how you met the newlyweds and why this day is important for you. But if you are speaking in a university audience, you can skip the performance and go straight to explaining the essence of your text.
If you write a business or motivational speech, the introduction is a great chance to interest the audience. You can start with some non-standard facts that will attract the attention of listeners. For instance:
Hello! I am very happy to be with you today. As Anna already said, I have been working in the field of business consulting for 5 years, but a year ago I had a completely crazy idea. And now I am ready to share this with you…
Speech body
This is the main part of your text, and you must make it as high quality as possible. People will quickly lose interest if you get confused in words, show your incompetence. Therefore, it is important to highlight several key points and consistently present them to the audience.
Remember that you can express only one thought at a time. Finish this before proceeding to the next. There should be clear and logical transitions between your ideas.
How to make speech fascinating and memorable? Add some personal information to it! It may be a life story, your thoughts, jokes.
Think about what you want to convey to your audience? What thoughts and memories should remain after your speech? Make 1-3 key conclusions or tell the latest story that illustrates all the previous ones.
Let’s pretend you’re writing a speech for a wedding.
Hello everybody! My name is Mike and I am very happy to be here with you. I know Annie and Peter for 5 years since we have been studying together at the university. We went through a lot together.
Further, you can tell some funny and touching stories about your friends.
Summing up, explain that love is the most important thing in life, that the strongest relationships are feelings, friendship and mutual support.
Many university professors specifically give such instructions to check how well you can write a text for any of the reasons. You don’t have to attend a real wedding and know Annie and Peter. Just plug in your imagination.
One of the most effective ways to finish any speech is a call to action. This works best for political and social texts when there is a problem that needs to be resolved. But at the wedding, you can call the newlyweds to action also, for example: Live happily ever after!
Top-notch topics for the best speech
You may be asked to write a speech on a specific topic. Or the task will look like this: Write a speech. In this case, you will have to come up with a topic yourself. How to do it? The most effective method is brainstorming, when you simply write down all your ideas and then choose the best ones. Choose a topic that is close to you. A good speaker does not just say he or she feels his every word. This is the best way to convey your idea to the audience because they will understand your confidence. In addition, knowledge of the topic will help you choose the most compelling arguments.
Here are examples of topics you can use for your inspiration.
- Should an internship be paid?
- Is graffiti pampering or real art?
- What methods can the school use to get rid of bullying?
- Features of a true leader
- Why parents cannot find a common language with their children
- Introduction of penalties for absenteeism
- Why do religious communities still exist in the 21st century?
- Prohibition of animal cosmetics testing: pros and cons
- Why can people be aggressive?
- The most memorable moments in the life of every person.
You can also write a farewell speech for your university, dedicate the text to relevant events from student life. The topic is not as important as the content of speech.
Writing a speech is a very exciting process. Sometimes it can cause some difficulties, especially if you do not consider yourself a good speaker. But the better your text is, the easier it will be to deal with excitement. Also, you can always order a custom paper written by a professional author. Choose an interesting topic, prepare your ideas and entrust all other tasks to a specialist. the more information you provide, the more personalized the speech will be. You can add your personal jokes, facts from your biography, etc. Be sure to proofread when you get the paper. You will also need to rehearse this speech, imagining that you are speaking in front of an audience. A little preparation and you will perfectly cope with this task!