The Full Review Of Debate Essay Process From Scratch, Topic Ideas

We take part in debates every day in our life. These are also the frequent types of tasks in studying establishments. This type of work is one of the most favorite among students. It usually involves a crowd of people and engages the audience. However, it supposes using the knowledge. Representing the arguments and supporting facts, disqualifying the opposite opinion, is the typical order of conversation during debates.
Debate Essay and Its Benefits
A debate has numerous advantages for students providing an excellent opportunity to improve the dynamic mindset and learning skills. Even more, debates:
- increase the interest in studying and retaining the facts;
- improve the quality of teamwork and collaboration among students;
- enhancing analytical skills, making the research process more dynamic;
- promotes thoughts organization and structuring the conversation;
- sharpens the cognitive abilities and information representing;
- prepares for a future carrier, in particular for law, political science students, and any other profession that involves extensive communication;
- teaches working in the atmosphere of healthy competition between associates and opponents.
By and large, a debate is a process that will make you feel more confident and competent in expressing your knowledge. Gaining all these benefits will make you more proficient while speaking in public.
The Structure of a Debate Essay
We all have seen debates at least once, either on TV or in real life. But when it comes to writing it independently, the process may seem troublesome and suppose many things to consider. Follow this step-by-step guide to make your job easier.
- Create a catchy and appropriate open line consistent with the topic (e.g., emotional entry for philosophical topics, statistical data for the exact issues analyzing, etc.).
- Describe the subject of the debate precisely clearly, exposing your attitude to the fact.
- Emphasizing points. Mention them at the end of the introduction part so the listeners could understand your key points and their order.
- Counter Arguments. You will have only a few seconds to react to the statement of your opponent. Prepare well and do extensive research.
- Your arguments. That is your body part that should contain at least twenty for and against convictions. The credible sources make your evidence stronger and more convincing. Use persuasive tactics, felicity of phrases, comparison, maintaining a respectful manner of communication.
- Finalization. It requires summarizing your arguments. Underline the value of your speech. Note the experience which the audience has gained, express gratefulness to your opponent and audience.
Hence, a debate essay has a typical essay structure. Yet, it supposes more extensive research for creating the strategy against the claims of an opponent.
Useful Tips for a Debate Essay Writing
To prepare for debates, study your topic in-depth. The comprehensive research will help to gather the most meaningful arguments and anticipate the opponent’s claims. Efficient taking up increases your chances for your success.
While writing a body text, select three of the most weighty arguments. That is the middle ground to express your point of view yet avoiding repeating the same things. If your topic is not too broad and includes limited convictions, put the weakest ones in the middle between two strong ones. Use the statistic data cautiously and only those that fit your argument strictly.
When you are planning your speech, calculate the time. It is not boundless in debates. Use each second productively. The less time you have, the more convincing evidence should be.
Even knowing the topic well can be complicated for some students to speak in public. Rehearse the monologue to train confidence. Perhaps your relatives or friends can be your first audience. Remember that the facts you know are new to the people who listen to you. So do your best to speak precisely in the middle so everyone could understand your monologue.
Topics for Debates
Choosing the topic for debates by yourself, select the one you are familiar with and can provide examples from personal life experience. Here is the list of topics, divided into subjects.
Political and Social Sciences
- permission for possession of firearms to everyone;
- rejection of the death penalty in the world;
- drug legalization;
- validation of cloning;
- legislation for euthanasia;
- prohibition of animal experiences;
- disallowance from violent video games;
- legal enactment for prostitution;
- inhibiting for abortions;
- the advantages of refusing plastic.
- reviewing the advantages of homework;
- prohibition of religious expressions at schools;
- locking the social networks for schoolmates;
- drug testing for athletes;
- distance learning VS contact learning;
- payment for preliminary education as obligatory;
- the necessity of armed protection at schools;
- practice and internship for students;
- mandatory sexual education for teenagers;
- pocket money and budget planning for school students.
- the advantages of vegetarianism spreading;
- prohibition of smoking in public venues;
- the changing of sexual orientation as a mental disease;
- the legalization of human organs trade;
- the legislation of cannabis;
- vaccination should be obligatory;
- medical services for people without insurance;
- banning the generic drugs from India;
- the connection between bad health and poverty;
- people with mental disorders in society.
Doubtlessly, the best topic is the burning issue, which worries nearly everyone. Estimate the interests of your audience and choose the most discussable one. That will highly increase the chances to engage in the conversation with as many people as possible.
Debates Example
As mentioned above, it is essential to think out each phrase that you use in debate due to the time limitation. Start your argumentation from the most worrying question to draw attention. The examples of a catchy beginning for refugees topic is: do you know the feeling when you have to leave your homeland? When you feel hopeless against the armed formation? When your family and relatives are in danger and seem like nobody in the world can help them? Adding the statistic data is applicable.
Representing the topic, draw the overall situation: now we are going to discuss theme A. My team and I are on the affirmative/counteractive side that believes in B. If you are not the first speaker in the debate, express your opinion, joining any side.
Finish your introduction with a short plan of your next actions: in my speech, I intend to argue C, then will represent D, and summarize with E. That will prevent you from turning your debates into a mess, following the exact order.
Contradicting your opponent, use the following phrases: «My opponent has represented the position, but he/she has not mentioned…», «the attempts of proving are not convincing because…», etc.
Finalizing your speech, restate your point of view, or recall the emotional issue. Being the last speaker, summarize all arguments proposed by your members and emphasize the most successful one.
Summing Up
The length of the debates depends on the topic and its depth. Usually, a formal middle school debate lasts about five minutes or ten minutes for high school students. Matching the time frames is essential to tell everything you intend yet remain precise.
However, these minutes require a lot of preparation. Except knowing the topic, it’s crucial to possess enough information about your listeners. Inquire about the sex and age of your audience, their general circle of interest. Knowing the personal characters of most of them makes it easy to guess their reaction to the emotional facts. The more information you collect about your listeners, the higher your chances for success will be.
Although the opponent may catch you at a weak moment, do your best to remain calm and active. Avoid shouting and getting upset. These are the signs of your effete position. Respectful attitude toward your opponent and opposite point of view, absence of mimics will bring you more scores.
Concentrate on persuading people, providing a cognitive thought formulation and argument structure. When your listeners understand your message, they will highly likely accept it and admit it.
Help From Experts
If your time frames are narrow and you have no time to prepare the text for your upcoming debates, our experts are ready to help. Professional assistance is a guarantee that the meaning of your speech will be as it should: ideally structured and with the right sense. Our services are a great help for the starters in debates who can not put their thoughts in order. Whatever problem you experience with the text, you can rely on professional support.
You are welcome to contact our firm with the name of the topic and deadline frames. And we will take care of the rest. Our team consists of specialists in all fields of science with a weighty experience in writing academic assignments. We can write your debate essay from scratch or fulfill the material that we have. Trust your task to us, get perfect paperwork, and save plenty of time.